
My name is Raheel Lakhani and I have worked as an associate for blended learning for around 4 years where I have trained university-faculty for integrating technology in their blended learning courses. As part of my work responsibilities, I also designed blended learning courses for the university in Pakistan and East Africa. Currently, I work as a manager, digital publication at an international publishing press.

I am a recipient of High Honors in Master of Education from The Aga Khan University. I also participated as a digital innovator in an academic scholarship program ‘Social Innovation in Digital Context’ at Lund University funded by Swedish Institute, where I explored the development of a digital storytelling approach for promotion of pluralistic and creative expression. From this program, I hold a Master of Arts in Technology and Social Change from the same program.

I am also a self-taught photographer, published in two coffee-table books and participated in few local and international competitions / exhibitions. His interests include eLearning pedagogy, learner’s autonomy, freedom of expression and pluralism, visual/textual narratives and digital collaborations.

I have joined ONL162 as an open-learner and looking forward to learning from course facilitators and participants. I believe, the diversity of group will make our learning more holistic and interesting.

3 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. Hi Raheel,
    Great to see you here! I sincerely hope you will be able to stick around for the course even though you have decided not to join a PBL group. We’re hoping the discussions in the G+ community will be lively and inspiring! Hope to see some of your photos here too!!


  2. Welcome to ONL162, Raheel! You will not be disappointed with the collective strength of fine minds and diverse experiences in the ONL162 community. I have facilitated PBL collaborative groups on this course for a couple of iterations now and each time I am amazed at the shared learnings and engagements.


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